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Class Registration  Form

* Asterisks indicate required fields

We are always available to answer questions, clarify any aspect of our program, help you register for a class, or otherwise support your needs. So please reach out to us. We would love to hear from you.

SW Florida Spanish

Subject: Register for a Class

Which class? (enter course code from following table):

Course Cost (excluding books)

  • Six-week classroom or Zoom class: $65.​

  • Spanish Fundamentals (self-paced w two one-hour instructor sessions): $40​


After submitting this form, a confirmation email will be sent,
and specific payment instructions provided within 24-hours.

Payment Preference:
How did you learn about us?

Please provide any additional comments (e.g., Spanish taken in past, reason for learning Spanish, need for assistance using Zoom, etc.)

Note: After pressing SEND, please wait a short time you should then receive a message (in green) saying that the message has been received.


We will get back to you within 24-hours confirming your registration and providing information about payment options (credit, Venmo, Paypal, Zelle, check, and cash). Please be patient. Gracias.

Your registration request has been received. We will send a confirmation email with payment and other details in the near future!

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