SW Florida Spanish
Non-credit personal enrichment
Spanish Classes for Adult Learners

Spanish Fundamentals:
Open enrollment. Enroll and start at any time.

After registering and obtaining the password, you can use the following link to start the course.
After registering, use this link to start the
Spanish Fundamentals Course
(requires a password)
Spanish Fundamentals:
Lesson 1 Topics:
alphabet; accent marks; pronunciation
numbers 1 to 100
Lesson 2 Topics:
Homework review (handouts)
Alphabet, accent marks & pronunciation; Nbrs 0 to 100
Nouns, gender and number
Basic Spanish lección 1 (Definite articles & vocabulary)
Basic Spanish lección 2 (Indefinite articles & vocabulary)
La tarea - Basic Spanish
ejercicos 1-1 y 1-3; ejercicos 2-1 y 2-3
====INSTRUCTOR MEETING 1 -- 45 minutes
Assessment after two lessons- questions or comments?
Was this a review or were there new concepts?
Brief review-alphabet and pronunciation
Definite & indefinite articles and noun gender and number
Homework Basic Spanish 1-1, 1-3, 2-1, and 2-3
Overview of next two lessons
Lesson 3 Topics:
Homework review
Basic Spanish Ch 1 & 2
Articles, nouns, gender, number
Numbers greater than 100
Subject pronouns
Introduction to verbs and verb conjugation - present tense regular -ar verbs
Basic Spanish Ch 3 (Tengo & querer & vocabulary)
Basic Spanish Ch 4 (Use of hay & vocabulary)
La tarea - Basic Spanish
ejercicos 3-1 y 3-3; ejercicos 4-1 y 4-3
Lesson 4 Topics:
Homework review
Basic Spanish Ch 3 & 4
Colors, days of week, months, and seasons
Verb conjugation - present tense regular -er/-ir verbs
Basic Spanish Ch 5
Subject pronouns; Common/regular -ar verb in the present tense; Days of the week
Review of Lectures 1 through 4
La tarea - Basic Spanish
ejercicos 5-1 y 5-3 y 5-5
=========INSTRUCTOR MEETING 2 -- 45 minutes
Assessment after four lessons- questions or comments?
Was this a review or were there new concepts?
Brief review-subject pronouns
Review verb conjugation basics and -ar/-er/-ir verbs
Homework review-Basic Spanish 5-1, 5-3, and 5-5
Next steps -- joining a regular Spanish class